August 5, 2020
No Butts: Keeping Outdoor Areas Free of Cigarette Waste
As a response to reopenings during COVID-19, many restaurants and bars have limited their indoor seating and expanded outdoors. Because of this, it's crucial to keep their outdoor areas sparkly clean. With cigarette butts being the most littered item in America, they can turn a beautiful outdoor space on its head. It's imperative for these outdoor spaces to have cigarette receptacles to help prevent this litter.

Without question, taverns and bars have taken a financial hit due to municipal and state restrictions in response to COVID-19. The loss of millions of dollars in this industry is forcing bars to get creative.
To help keep revenues flowing while being forced to limit patrons indoors, many of these businesses have significantly increased their amount of outdoor seating to comply with regulations and also minimize the spread of the virus.
Many bars have also added outdoor patios or tents that allow for small social gatherings. And while the move to outdoor helps business, these new outdoor seating and gathering areas mean that smokers and non-smokers will share the same space.
Cigarette butts are the most littered item in America and when tossed onto the ground, they can turn a beautiful place on its head. In addition to being unsightly, cigarette litter ends up being washed down storm drains polluting our local waterways.
Tobacco litter takes up 32% of litter in outdoor recreation areas like parks, beaches, and bars.
Taverns exist to make their customers happy. Because cleanliness is a key component in customer perception and attitude, bars invest in keeping their places of businesses clean. And while most offer ashtrays, adding the right cigarette receptacles keep the areas looking clean – and butt-free!
And that’s key, as studies have shown that the mere presence of proper outdoor smoking receptacles and trash containers reduce the likelihood of litter. In fact, a joint study from the National Association of Convenience Stores and Keep America Beautiful reports “placing a sufficient number of trash, recycling and ash receptacles in high-traffic areas is one of the best ways to help employees and customers eliminate litter.”
Keeping a business clean doesn’t have to be a hassle. Commercial Zone offers a line of cigarette receptacles designed to stub out cigarettes without water or sand. Instead of old cigarette butts strewn around the ground or still burning cigarettes casting off unpleasant smoke, bars can use the Smoker’s Outpost to eliminate these inconveniences.
Smoker’s Outpost is available in a variety of styles and finishes to blend into outdoor surroundings and patio decor.
Businesses can do their part to cut down on cigarette litter by placing cigarette and trash receptacles at entrances, exits, picnic areas, as well as in parking lots and along the walkways of the business. Remember, these should be placed in locations where people usually gather.
Keeping outdoor patios and the streets outside your business butt-free is possible with the right cigarette receptacles. With more people leaving their homes and going to outdoor bars in need of social interaction, there is an increased need for proper cigarette disposal to reduce litter and keep customers happy.