July 6, 2021
The Future of In-Store Retail Experiences
Retailers are gearing up in expectation of a return to in-person shopping, with consumers flocking to stores to make up for lost time and regain a sense of normalcy. And they’ll find that what they once saw as normal isn’t normal anymore. In-store retail has changed – and for the better.

Major chains like Dick’s Sporting Goods, Nike, REI, and others are shifting their operations to incorporate unique experiences into their physical stores. These companies are preparing to become physical shopping destinations that pave the way for retail experiences of the future.
The House of Sport, a recent launch from Dick’s Sporting Goods, is an experiential store format that includes a climbing wall, a turf field and track, yoga, wellness services, and more. The 100,000-square-foot store offers customers hands-on experiences, with multi-sport activities that customers can participate in – inside and outside of the store.
While shoppers have become familiar with the ease and convenience of online ordering over the past year, brick-and-mortar stores have an advantage by allowing customers to test the merchandise before buying.
“You want the opportunity to try out the product, to touch and feel it and make sure it’s the right one for you,” Tim Roller told Chain Store Age. According to Roller, senior VP of in-store environment & visual merchandising for Dick’s Sporting Goods, the physical store remains key to consumer buying decisions. “You also want a trusted advisor who can explain the differences between products,” Roller said. “This is where brick-and-mortar stores continue to be so important for us. All of this went into the thinking behind House of Sport.”
REI recently opened a new co-op store in an effort to encourage a greater sense of community in their retail environment. The new 25,000-square-foot store sits near the White Mountains and features seating areas at which customers can lounge.
Large community tables are open to shoppers to relax, meet or even attend workshops and consultations. Educational demonstrations and events also take place at the retail store, helped by multipurpose displays that also can feature products that promote activities and recreational opportunities in the area.
The location of the co-op store was chosen by design. Proximity to the mountains allow shoppers to browse, test and purchase products right where they intend to actually use them.
As we look to the future, creating engaging in-store retail environments will continue to trend moving forward. looking to make an impression with customers and establish meaningful shopping experiences also ensure their stores are clean and free of clutter.
With more foot traffic hitting stores in the coming months, it may be time to take another look at your current waste and recycling receptacles. By adding waste containers in and around your facility – particularly targeting entrances and exits – you can significantly reduce unsightly litter and improve the appearance of your business.
Commercial Zone offers a complete line of sleek and distinctive Precision Series® stainless-steel waste and recycling containers, which create a contemporary look to enhance any space. And with limited-time summer savings* now available from Commercial Zone, you’ll also save up to 43% on select Precision Series products.
The summer savings on Precision Series and the increase in foot traffic make this the ideal time to upgrade the waste and recycling containers in your facility
For more information on the Precision series or other waste and recycling containers from Commercial Zone, visit www.commercialzone.com or call 1-800-782-7273.
*Limited time only. Summer Sale offer ends July 31, 2021.