April 23, 2020
The Impact of Gas Station Recycling Programs
Gas stations serve travelers from all over the country and are sometimes the only places they’ll stop before arriving at their destinations. People who are diligent about recycling at home and work rely on gas stations for recycling while on the road.

Gas stations serve travelers from all over the country and are sometimes the only places they’ll stop before arriving at their destinations. People who are diligent about recycling at home and work rely on gas stations for recycling while on the road. Because they expect to find accessible trash bins and recycling containers wherever they go, implementing and maintaining a reliable and effective recycling program is important for today’s gas stations.
The benefits of recycling are obvious: It helps save reusable resources, such as paper and metals, and also reduces the energy use and pollution from manufacturing products. In addition, as recycling also helps businesses save money. According to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, “Like other businesses, gas stations pay for waste disposal. In many cases, recycling services cost significantly less than trash disposal; companies that reuse or recycle more waste can save significant costs on waste disposal. Reusing more materials can also reduce purchasing and handling costs.”
For customers, recycling also demonstrates the commitment of a business to environmental protection. Implementing a well-run recycling program is not only a good way to serve customers, but it’s a good way to protect the gas station’s brand and, maybe more importantly, the planet. Consider the alternative: If recycling bins aren’t accessible or available, customers will likely either throw recyclable goods in the trash or keep them on hand until they’re able to properly recycle the materials – both frustrating options.
To make the recycling process even easier for customers, recycling bins should be properly positioned and clearly labeled. Containers should be clearly marked with universally recognizable icons that quickly help guide customers. Containers should be located in high traffic areas, such as next to the gas pumps or outside the store’s entry door, so they are easily accessible.
Commercial Zone recognizes the impact of recycling and designs products that do the job right. We manufacture a wide range of recycling containers designed to keep areas litter-free and divert waste from entering landfills. Our recycling container products can withstand harsh weather conditions and are available in a variety of durable materials, styles and price ranges for any business environment.